Celebrating our 8 Year Nomadiversary!
Mt. Hood, Oregon, January 15, 2019.
8 years ago today we took our biggest leap of faith as a family by letting go of our suburban house on a cul de sac, corporate 9-5 job, and everything we had worked to obtain and we jumped head first into a life on the road. We stuffed what we could into 250 sq ft of veggie powered RV and hit the highway not even knowing where we were going or what we were doing. We followed a strong pull of the heart to see more, live more simply and sustainably, and to spend more time together as a family. We really didn’t know anyone else doing this crazy thing, especially with kids. But, as soon as we hit the road, we found loads of other families doing the same and our nomadic neighborhood on wheels was born. Some are still on the road, others have long stopped, and lots have joined along the way, so now we have friends all over this country and can’t wait to meet up with some internationally. We have been to 48 states so far, welcomed two more precious souls to our family born into nomadic life both by RV homebirth, adopted our road dog, grew our family non-profit into a working mobile educational unit that has taught educational programs at over 100 events to date, hiked 21 National Parks and hundreds of miles together as a family, and have countless adventures we could share. Seriously, so many I think it’s time for me to finally write that book.
But, no matter all the places we’ve been, all the mountains we’ve hiked, all the miles we’ve travelled, it’s always been about the journey and the love grown along the way. Because for us it hasn’t so much been about finding that perfect place to live, there are so many beautiful places we’ve grown to love and call home, it has been more about the soul journey of finding ourselves. Discovering our passions and gifts and life purpose, serving others, marching and standing up for those that need a voice, gathering community, making changes for the future of our food and health and kids. And, learning how to heal old wounds, discover our inner light, and live as close to nature as possible, knowing exactly how much energy and water we use, how much waste we create, and getting our family rhythms in tune with a more natural rhythm.
It hasn’t always been easy, or a natural flow at all. There have been super tough times, financial hardships, family sickness to overcome, broken engines, broken RV, times with no running water and no close water source, frozen pipes, lugging sewer up a hill once a week, down right exhausting life lessons that we will always be grateful for because they have all led us to who we are today and I am proud of all we have endured together. Because being together through it all has been what it’s about all along. And, being able to explore all the beauty out there, have the kids’ education be hands on life learning in some pretty epic places, and meet amazing people along the way, well, nomadic life has been our best risk we’ve ever taken.
Oregon Coast, Summer 2018.
No matter what the future holds, we will always hold these years as some of our best. And, we’ve planted seeds of exploration into our kids that will last a lifetime. They now want to see the world and are currently researching other countries and places to hike and adventures to be had. Our goal this year is to get to Alaska, possibly Hawaii, and to continue to take the journey as it comes. To constantly lean into growing into better humans, better partners, better parents, better life adventurers. And, to keep on sharing that love and spreading the peace. 2018 you were a pretty hard year for us in so many ways, and the main lessons we learned were to be more in the now, to be more intentional with our focus and purpose, and to allow the flow rather than try and force it. It also taught us a lot on how to shift our mindset and lean into our gratitudes even when things were super hard. Life, you are so beautiful, constantly teaching us in so many ways. 2019 we are so excited for you! And, we are ready. Ready for more adventure, more time together, and more of this purposeful life.