Education Initiatives


Sustainable Living

By choosing to create an eco-safe environment in your home, and reducing your carbon footprint, you are choosing to protect not only the health of your family, but also the health of our planet and our future.

Here are some of the sustainable living programs we incorporate into our education:

Zero Waste Family Program
Alternative Fuels
Renewable Energy
Creating a Non-Toxic Environment


Health and Wellness

Using natural remedies, choosing eco-safe products, eating organic foods, and getting out into nature with your family truly does create health. Healthy living means more time with the ones you love and loving the life you live.

Here are some of the healthy living programs we incorporate into our education:

Essential Oils
Saying NO to GMOs
Organic Superfoods
The Importance of Organic
Getting Out Into Nature
Natural Healing Choices
Voting with Forks and Dollars


Natural Parenting

Help your babies transition earth side gently by creating their new home as safe as Mama’s womb. Know your choices in birth and have support and respect for the birth you want. Wear your babies, co-sleep, breastfeed, and listen to your parental intuition on what is best for you and your child. And, parent with love and empathy, because peace begins at home, and we are raising up the future.

Here are some of the natural parenting programs we incorporate into our education:

Baby Wearing
Home Birthing
L.O.V.E. and Empathy