Eco Womb Giveaway on Mothering

Always wanted to try cloth diapers and cloth wipes? Or want to give the gift of cloth to a new Mommy friend? Head on over to for an amazing Giveaway from Eco Womb. We are giving away a Mommy Starter Gift Set which includes not only three Fuzzi Bunz cloth diapers (your choice of size and colors) and three organic cloth wipes, but also a Fair Trade Certified Go GaGa Diaper Bag made from recycled materials, a Go GaGa Stuff Sack and a starter bottle of biodegradable Charlie's Soap. Yeah, pretty great gift, huh? Well we know how hard moms work, and we just want to spread the love! Help a new mom friend get started mothering on a green path, or treat yourself, you deserve it!