Let's Build Love Instead

Eco Womb family of activists marching in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights March, January 20, 2019 - Portland, Oregon

Eco Womb family of activists marching in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights March, January 20, 2019 - Portland, Oregon

no more pipelines

no more walls

no more borders

no more hate

let’s build love instead

no more social injustice

no more economic disparity

no more environmental racism

let’s build love instead

no more inequality based on our skin tone or gender or size or ancestry or religion

no more masculine power over the feminine

no more racism in any form period

let’s build love instead

no more toxins in our food

no more pesticides in our parks

no more big pharma in the pockets of the government

let’s build love instead

no more medical mandates

no more bans on our right to choose

no more stripping away of our bodily sovereignty

let’s build love instead

no more being alone in our mental struggles in a world driven by the stress that it creates

no more following the system that dictates our demise

no more trauma induced generational struggles that our kids now have to carry on

let’s build love instead

no more social media distractions

no more glowing screens between actual conversations

no more homes built with online dividers

let’s build love instead

no more glorified busyness

no more have to’s in climbing the ladders of success

no more productivity that counters connection

let’s build love instead

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let’s connect, in person, hand in hand, in circle, together

let’s reach out to those in need and lift each other up when needed

let’s spend more time laughing around a dinner table, barefoot in the grass, and on the ground playing with our littles

let’s build a longer table and more bridges to ensure everyone has a place to be

let’s share the load, so we can all have downtime, creating a village, so no one person carries such a heavy burden

let’s get outside more often, climb more trees, run, walk, swim in the ocean

let’s connect in with ourselves and with nature and with those we love on a daily basis as the root of what builds us

let’s live more in the now and less in the past and in the future

for, we are the now, and within us all is the love that we need

instead of all the hurt and hate and anger and sickness that comes from all of that

let’s build love instead

with a little more love we may just realize that much of what brings us down and divides us up goes away

because love brings us together, love builds us up

build the love, share the love, spread the love, BE the love 

let’s build love instead