Posts by Angela Malson
We did it!

We did it! After contemplating it for over a year, investing into a new engine, celebrating five years in the original Eco Womb Tour Bus, and then deciding as a family to sell our home, we did it (in less than a couple weeks)!

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Angela MalsonComment
Our 5 Year Nomadiversary!!!!!

Five years ago this month, in January of 2011, we were packing up and saying goodbye to our 1900 sq. ft. typical suburban South FL home taking a leap into the unknown to travel full-time in a 256 sq. ft. RV we called the Eco Womb to live simply and simply follow the wind.

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Angela MalsonComment
Help us launch our 5 Year "BE the Change" Tour!

The Eco Womb Tour "fueled by love, peace and veggie grease" launched 5 years ago in November 2010 in South Florida. We have been from coast to coast, in 40 states so far, and have done over 75 events nationwide teaching on simple and sustainable living, alternative fuels, solar energy, going zero waste, getting outside and hiking with your family, and the importance of eating organic, Non-GMO foods for our kids for our future!

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Angela MalsonComment
From Womb to Eco Womb

2 years ago tonight I was making some hot tea, putting my feet up after a long day out buying towels and a car seat, and planning a weekend full of nesting around the farm that we had landed at just five days prior.

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Angela MalsonComment
Onya Baby **GIVEAWAY**

In celebration of International Babywearing Week, we have been sharing pics all week on social media of us wearing our little man. At 23 months we still wear him everyday, as we have done with all of our kiddos for the past 15 years, to nurture, nourish, exercise, work, and take care of our other children, while still being close in arms.

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Festival Baby

Spent the New Moon festival weekend at Butterfly Farms breathing in all the love from our ever expanding road family ❀️ So very grateful for every conscious connection made, working with new friends full on love for all and making change happen, drums around a fire, singing, dancing, being.

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Angela MalsonComment
Earth Day is Everyday!

Earth Day is everyday! πŸ’šπŸŒŽπŸ’š And, this day was spent unplugged and in nature, at the park exploring and just being together. Came across this tree and couldn't leave πŸ’™ Seriously the amazing design of Mama Earth's paintbrush.

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Angela MalsonComment
Saying YES!

Sunsets and bike rides and chasing waves and saying yes. These are the days I hope they remember most. Because even in the swirl of having four kiddos with big spirited souls and differing needs at the same time, I guess especially because of that swirl, we try and say yes often so they know they are being heard. So they know that they each individually matter.

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Babywearing Magic

We've always worn our babies in slings. From newborn through toddlerhood. It is how we stay close, how we have free hands for other kiddos or work or everyday life stuff. But, the other day, Mama Bear accidentally left our sling home when we were out running errands 😳 and oh my goodness, not sure how other parents do it without babywearing?!?!?!

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