Maya Wrap Giveaway!!!
I love baby wearing! It's more than just an accessory or baby gear essential, it is bonding and has been cherished with each baby I have worn over the past 13 years! That's right, for over a decade I have been wearing newborns or toddlers or the occasional 4 year old that needed to be held while running errands. And, I love it and they love it! It not only distributes the weight of your babe across your back, saving you any end of the day stiff muscles from carrying a little one, but it also promotes bonding and security with your sweet love, and you get two free hands to do all those other mama (or daddy) things!
With our first babe we were just figuring everything out, making our way as parents. I think I had a generic front carrier to start off and it wasn't super comfy or supportive. Then, I discovered the ring sling. Put it on over one shoulder and slipped my baby in, so easy! Plus, there were no buckles or snaps to worry about and my babe could fall asleep without mashing his little face against something hard and uncomfortable. From then on I carried all of my babies in the Maya Wrap. A woman at my local La Leche League introduced me to the Maya Wrap, she was a local distributor, and I was sold the moment I put my baby boy in and he drifted off to sleep. Pure magic!
But, really it is just the feeling of being next to one you love, lulled to rest by mama's movements and heartbeat. You carried this babe for nine months, of course they still want to be near you. And, in fact, it is vital for baby's health and ability to thrive that they are carried and worn. It's what mamas and daddies have been doing forever and across cultures, wearing their babes as they integrate into your family and community. From womb to sling, it is essential that they continue to be a part of you during their transition earth side.
I actually have the same Maya Wrap I have had for years, using from newborn though toddlerhood. And, for our 3rd GIVEAWAY in our Month of Giveaways I want YOU to have one, too. Have you wanted to try a ring sling, but didn't want to invest in one without knowing what it feels like for you and baby? Now is your chance to try it out, or gift to a mama-to-be. Simply (1) leave a comment by next Monday, February 24th here on the Blog or on Facebook, or Instagram, (2) follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, AND (3) share to enter. We will announce the winner on Tuesday, February 25th. We have three Maya Wraps left in our store while we clear out to start fresh for this year's Tour. The winner will get to choose a fabric color between those three. So, tell us why you want to try a Maya Wrap for your babe. Good luck!