An Update to our Update
An update to our update (see previous Blog post) and a little #TBT :-) This photo was from one of our events this summer and we are really missing our home, but, we're grateful to be on our way to getting her back!!! THANK YOU to everyone who has shared our post, donated, sent love, prayers, positive healing vibes ~~~ it was all received with such gratitude and immense love. Hubby got two new clients this week for Letterbox Studios which has helped (thank you dear road family, we love you SO), and we had an Eco Womb Sponsor renew and one new Sponsor come on board for this year! With a few individual donations and loads of manifesting and love, we are well on our way to raising enough funds to get our home back!!!
***Unfortunately... update from the shop today revealed two cracked heads, so the engine rebuild is now a bit more. Our $7000 repair is now slated for $8000 and we are $2000 shy of getting her back. We have to be out of our cabin rental by Monday, so hoping we can come up with it by then! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and again THANK YOU so much for all your love!!! It has been received and we are sending it right back to you in waves!!!
If you would like to help us reach our goal and get the Eco Womb back this weekend, please donate here. Or, if you know of a small business or potential Sponsor that would like to partner with Eco Womb for our 2015 Tour, please send them our way and have them check out our Sponsor Proposal online.
#itreallydoestakeavillage #somuchlove #thankyouthankyouthankyou #circleoflove #ecowombtourbusintheshop #helpusgetourhomeontheroadbackontheroad